
Our color palette reflects the modern, dynamic, and trustworthy nature of DROPP. Each color has been carefully selected to ensure our brand remains bold and recognizable while maintaining flexibility across different applications.

DROPP Color Palette Overview


Our colors are the foundation of our brand identity. They should be dominant in all branded materials.



RGB: 252, 250, 250

CMYK: 1, 1, 0, 0


HEX: #38D4A8

RGB: 56, 212, 168

CMYK: 63, 0, 48, 0


HEX: #393A3B

RGB: 57, 58, 59

CMYK: 70, 62, 60, 52

Eerie Black

HEX: #252627

RGB: 37, 38, 39

CMYK: 72, 65, 63, 69

Color Usage

Our colors are carefully applied across different touchpoints to maintain brand consistency and ensure optimal readability.

Digital Applications

Digital Color Usage

Print Applications

Print Color Usage